Customer Testimonials

My sister and I have MX-3’s installed in our vehicles and it was about a year ago that my sister got hi-jacked outside her company.

I contacted Matrix and informed them of what had transpired and within 20 minutes the vehicle was recovered!!! During that time we were kept updated and informed of everything that was going on.

The representative from Matrix (Les) said 20 minutes was a bit too long! I laughed because that was an excellent recovery time for me.

Thanks guys for the outstanding and excellent service provided!

Nivesh Maneckchund – Durban, KwaZulu-Natal

My car was stolen in my yard. I was not even aware but Matrix phoned to check if the car is safe, that is when I realized that it has been stolen.

The service I got from day shift and handed over to Gerald who was superb was excellent beyond expectations. I managed to get my car as it was without any damages.

Nhlanhlan – Gauteng

When going on my Dec holiday I just had an uneasy feeling about my three cars left at home. I have one car with a Matrix tracker and two with a competitor done before I joined Matrix. I downloaded the Matrix iPhone app and then registered to use it. It really did bring me piece of mind to see my car (in its colour and shape) reflect on a map on my iPhone with it safely in the street where I left it. This was so accurate and easy to use and is a great value added service. When I get the chance I want to move my other vehicles from the competitor to Matrix. It takes less than 15 seconds for the app to track my car and show its position on a map which is truly wonderful. When I want to test the trackers in my other vehicles the competitor makes me drive around aimlessly for over 20min until they can actually track the car.

shmdub – Gauteng

Thank you Matrix! I woke up yesterday morning to find that my car would not start working. I called Matrix to request roadside assistance. I was informed that due to traffic help would only arrive in 20 minutes. While waiting for assistance I was constantly contacted by Matrix keeping me informed as to where the help was and to my surprise they arrived in under 15 minutes!

The gentleman jump-started my vehicle and I managed to get to work with 5 minutes to spare!

Thank you Matrix for coming to my rescue.

Victoria – Sunninghill, Gauteng

Thanks to Matrix. My husband was hijacked on the 10th of November 2012. I called Matrix and within 15 minutes, my car was recovered. Excellent work.

Junior Manana – Roodepoort, Gauteng

I was hijacked on the 18th of April 2012.

I phoned Matrix and within 2 hours my vehicle was recovered. I was updated every few minutes as to what the latest situation was. Yes I paid my tracking system every month, but who would have thought that I would every REALLY need to use it.
All I can say is…THANK YOU for getting my car back so quickly and for keeping me updated all the time! THANK YOU!

Jorika – Gauteng